Women driving women’s visibility and leadership

Message from WISER Co-Founder & Chair, Joanne Bergamin: 

WISER (Women In Sustainable Energy & Resources) Inc. is built upon the critical importance of uplifting every woman in the industry. It is incumbent upon all of us to ensure that opportunities for growth, recognition, and leadership are extended to women from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Fostering a culture of inclusion and support not only benefits individual women but also enriches the entire industry with a wide range of perspectives, talents, and innovations. On behalf of the WISER Committee, please join me in actively advocating for the advancement of every woman in our field, creating a more equitable and dynamic environment for all. 

WISER Mission: To support and advocate for women working at all levels in the transformative industries of sustainable energy and resources, as well as associated industries across Australia, by providing opportunities to network, learn, celebrate and share ideas.

WISER Goals:

  1. Inspire and motivate members through sharing examples of successful leadership in sustainable energy and resources.

  2. Positively shape members’ futures with professional development opportunities, mentorship, and support.

  3. Drive gender balance and strong representation for women in leadership positions in our industries.

  4. Promote and celebrate members’ professional achievements.

  5. Share our values with peers and colleagues and raise community awareness about the importance of the energy and mining sectors to achieving a sustainable future.

  6. Promote our industries as meaningful career pathways to the next generation of women and increase participation.

  7. Elevate women facing multiple avenues of discrimination e.g. women of colour, women living with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), neurodiverse and LGBTIQ+.

  8. Provide supportive and varied opportunities for natural networking that accommodate members’ families and other commitments.

  9. Support members to recognise and constructively challenge bias and discrimination in the workplace.

  10. Identify allies and assist them to make space and elevate women’s voices.



The WISER Committee:

Joanne Bergamin - Co-Founder & Chair, Kathy Prince - Secretary, Sarah Grasso - Treasurer, Rosie Allan, Erica Brush, Steph Byrom, Sonia Cahill, Helen Degeling, Hannah Gardiner, Kylie Gomez Gane, Jaclyn Hadfield, Eden Hodson, Tahlia Huntington, Michelle Jones, Kathryn Levey, Karina Lynch, Olena Nelson, Jane Noble, Ashlea O'Reilly, Jodanna Pullen, Nicola Semler, Gillian Smith

WISER is an incorporated, not for profit association established by a group of like-minded women keen to increase female representation in our industries. The Committee is comprised of female leaders from industry, government and higher education.